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Re: Hacking a Personal Computer via E-mail (fwd)

this message from mjr@v-one.com may complete this discussion.
i think my statement "it surely works" is not the whole truth.
this may be the difference between theory and practice...

if further discussion is required, please note that mjr isn't
subscribed to this list (i believe).
(but this was from beginning the wrong place for this topic.
i'm sure mjr is reading firewalls@greatcircle.com. :-)


Forwarded message:
> From mjr@clark.net Sat May 11 06:01 MES 1996
> From: "Marcus J. Ranum" <mjr@clark.net>
> Subject: Re: Hacking a Personal Computer via E-mail
> >Marcus Ranum (mjr@v-one.com) already did, I think.
> 	I did half of it. I used Onions' tunnel driver and had a
> listener that basically would copy packets from /dev/tun and pipe
> them to uuencode | mail packet@recipient.com   The other side was
> just a .forward file that uudecoded the packet and catted it to
> /dev/tun.
> 	The packet output and input stuff was easy, setting up
> the routes took a few minutes, but I found that telnetting out
> over it got timeouts before the connection setup completed. NFS
> was a disaster also because it started retransmitting email
> messages every second and I rebooted the machine in disgust
> and declared the project "works but is stupid."
> mjr.
> [you may forward this mail into your discussion as you see fit]